Alright....Spring Break! ............but guys have homework. I want to keep your brains warm, because when you come back on Tuesday we will only have three more WEEKS before CST Testing

Reading Log......READ...READ....READ......

Social Studies:  Read and answer questions on pages:  65, 67, 68,69 70. This will help your reading comprehension.

Practice Book: 265, 266, 267, 271, 272, 273, 274

Math (Measuring UP): page: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49

Sentences with first 15 words.

Romer  M.S Field Trip.....wear your red Sendak T-Shirt....

Lunch will be provided at Romer.

Reading Log

Topic 15 test and Unit 5 week 1 test, signed. If you didn't get topic 15 back, that means you earned a 3 or better....If you got it back, that means you need to correct the problems you missed and bring back on Monday.  

Also, MONDAY is the ULTIMATE last day to bring in the BIO-Bottle.

Wear tennis shoes, because you will be tested on the mile run.

Finally, have a nice weekend....see you all Monday.
Reading Log
Latin and Greek Roots Worksheet


Riddle me this........ type your answer in the comment section

Say my name and I disappear.  Who am I?